Program Baseline Surveys, Evaluations, Feasibility Studies, and KAP Studies Completed
Following were some of the key projects Training and Research (TAR) Business Consulting completed in the areas of program baseline surveys, evaluations, feasibility studies, and KAP studies:
Project Name | Reinforcement of the Community Response to the Violence against Women Project |
Assignment Name | End Line Evaluation |
Donor | ActionAid |
Partner | (VWO) Voice of Women and (WASSA) Women Activities and Social Services Association |
Location | Injil, Guzara, Zindajan, and Ghoryan of Herat province and Panjab, Yakulang and Bamyan Center of Bamyan province |
Contact Person | Pravind Kumar |
Phone Number | +93 79 461 8858 |
Email ID | |
Brief Project Description: The Reinforcement of the Community Response to the Violence against Women project was a three years’ project that was implemented in Bamyan and Herat provinces s, where the first year of the project started on 15th January 2016, and the project continued up 14th Oct 2019. The purpose of the end-line evaluation of the project was to assess outcomes/impact of the project against the stated results/outcomes of the project in terms of relevance, effectiveness, and efficiency of the project delivery, sustainability, and impact over the baseline status of the project participants.
Project Name | Reinforcement of the Community Response to the Violence against Women Project |
Assignment Name | Mid-Term Evaluation |
Donor | ActionAid |
Partner | (VWO) Voice of Women and (WASSA) Women Activities and Social Services Association |
Location | Bamyan, Ghor, Nangarhar, Kunduz, Pakitika, and Kabul provinces |
Contact Person | Pravind Kumar |
Phone Number | +93 79 461 8858 |
Email ID | |
Brief Project Description:With support from the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), ActionAid Afghanistan implemented a 9-month long project aimed at Promoting Resilience of vulnerable communities in Afghanistan through emergency programming. The project was implemented in 10 districts of 5 Provinces in Afghanistan including Bamyan Centre and Panjab districts in Bamiyan Province, Lal district in Ghor Province, Center of Kunduz and Imam Sahib in Kunduz, Bagrami and Guldara in Kabul, and Kuzkunar, Behsud and Rodat districts in Nangarhar Province. Barmal District of Paktika
The project seeks to ultimately benefit an estimated 114,850 (57,636 women and girls) in Afghanistan through direct inputs to 4,380 persons (2107 Women) receiving direct project inputs through a series of intervention. These interventions were on food security, providing start up support to dormant SMEs and small entrepreneurs for livelihood promotion, skills, and resilience building interventionsProject Name | “Provision of food and nutrition assistance to disaster affected communities in hard-to-reach areas in Afghanistan – 72DFFP20GR00094” in Badghis, Ghor, Faryab and Badakhshan province. |
Assignment Name | End line evaluation |
Donor | USAID – BHA |
Partner | ACTED |
Location | Badghis, Ghor, Faryab and Badakhshan province of Afghanistan |
Contact Person | Vasilisa FORSGREN |
Phone Number | + 93 (0) 795 90 89 68 |
Email ID | |
Brief Project Description: Since October 2020, ACTED has been implementing a USAID-funded project titled ‘Provision of transitional and emergency shelter and sanitation facilities, food and nutrition assistance to conflict and natural disaster affected communities in hard-to-reach areas, whilst increasing evidence based humanitarian programming in Afghanistan.This multi-sectoral intervention is composed of multiple components such as Food Security and Livelihood (Cash for Food/Work), Nutrition (Implemented by partners CHA and ORCD), Shelter and Settlement, WASH, and Information Management (Implemented by REACH). With the primary goal of the intervention ‘To alleviate the immediate shelter, food and nutrition needs of conflict and natural disaster affected communities in hard-to-reach areas of Afghanistan, while informing humanitarian programming decision making’, ACTED supported 200,011 individuals and 118 organizations through this 18-month intervention in Badakhshan, Faryab, Ghor and Badghis.
Project Name | Integrated Emergency Response for Drought Affected Communities in Daikundi and Urzgan province of Afghanistan |
Assignment Name | End line evaluation of the project |
Donor | USAID – BHA |
Partner | Medair |
Location | Uruzgan and Daikundi Province of Afghanistan |
Contact Person | Mahram Ali Nadir |
Phone Number | +93 79 903 2656 |
Email ID | |
Brief Project Description:The program to be evaluated targeted vulnerable communities in Daikundi and Bamyan Provinces through Nutrition, WASH, kitchen garden and cash transfer programming to improve, WASH, health and Nutrition indicators and increase the food security for drought affected households. Bamyan Province will not be included in the evaluation, as activities stopped in Nov/Dec 2020 and the Medair office was closed in February 2021. Therefore, the focus of the evaluation will be of the two-year intervention in Daikundi and Urozgan Provinces. In the latter part of the project Medair commenced programming in Tirinkot District of Uruzgan Province, including intervention assistance in Nutrition/health, WASH, and food security. Evaluation of the program in Uruzgan Province will be considered interim findings, as activities have been implemented for less than 12 months.
Project Name | Building Self Reliance and sustaining livelihoods of Returnees, IDPs and Host Communities in Herat Provinces |
Assignment Name | Feasibility Study |
Donor | World Vision Afghanistan |
Partner | N/A |
Location | Herat Province |
Contact Person | Dawood Noori |
Phone Number | +93 799499898 |
Email ID | |
Brief Project Description:WVA proposes to implement a sustainable livelihoods and social empowerment project that is designed around World Vision’s Ultra Poor Graduation approach. UPG is an integrated model that aims at lifting extremely poor households out of poverty, enabling them to lay the foundation for the establishment of sustained livelihoods. The project will be implemented in Herat Province. WV Afghanistan plans to implement a project focusing on addressing root causes of flight through the provision of durable solutions, boost livelihood and self-reliance opportunities for returnees and host communities in Herat Province. Tailored to the needs and challenges described above, this project will combine interventions along for interrelated dimensions: livelihood promotion, financial inclusion, social protection and social empowerment. The project will ensure that full respect of human rights, protection and confidentiality of returnees is upheld in implementation. The project intends to (1) empower participants through building productive capacities and benefits for sustainable livelihoods and jobs; (2) establish of 15 informal savings groups with between 15-25 people per group, and facilitate access to formal banking facilities, credit and insurance mechanisms as well as financial literacy training for the 1500 beneficiaries (3) ensure the access to basic services to Health, Education and WASH services through an effective referral mechanisms and (4) provide social empowerment activities targeted towards building a confident mindset among IDPs and Returnees will support community inclusion and positive behavior change.
Project Name | “Improving Quality and access to Health Services (iQHAS) (Freseniues) Project External Final Evaluation |
Assignment Name | External Final Evaluation |
Donor | World Vision Afghanistan |
Partner | N/A |
Location | Herat Province |
Contact Person | Sayed Ajmal Shahna |
Phone Number | +93 79 982 9150 |
Email ID | |
Brief Project Description:In order to ameliorate the health status of women and children in Hirat and Badghis provinces of Afghanistan, World Vision designed and implemented a health project under the title of “Improving Quality and Access to Health Services”. The project aimed to contribute to developing the capacity of the health workforce in the western region of Afghanistan. This was only possible to be achieved through conducting long- and short-term health trainings and by increasing the numbers of qualified female birth attendants. As long-term training, 30 girls who completed secondary education in hard to reach areas of Herat and Badghis provinces, were enrolled for 2 years (4 semesters) into the Institute of Health Sciences and receive trainings to become midwives.
At the end of each semester the students were required to pass an exam in order to continue with the next semester. After the completion of the course, the students received a certificate and became employed by the Ministry of Public Health in their respective communities. In addition, the project focused on improving knowledge and skills of established health care personnel, by conducting longer- and short-term trainings. The project worked in closed partnership with the Department of Public Health (DoPH), IHS (Institute of Health Science) and implementer of Basic Package of Health Services (BPHS) in Herat province. The project started in January 2019 with the duration of 3 years until December 2021.Project Name | Livelihood P.307-007 project for refugees, returnees, IDPs & host communities – Herat |
Assignment Name | Baseline Survey |
Donor | Cordaid |
Partner | Terre des hommes (TdH) |
Location | Karokh, Robat Sangi, Kohsan and Ghoryan districts Herat province |
Contact Person | Abdul Rauf Safi |
Phone Number | +93 700261105 |
Email ID | |
Brief Project Description:Cordaid and Terre des hommes (Tdh) were recently funded by the German MoFA through Caritas Germany as lead partners to support the returnees, IDPs and vulnerable host communities to recover from the shocks of drought and other disaster. The project external reference number is P.003-007/2018, the project will last 30 months with starting date on the 01-January-2019 and geographically located in Karukh, Robat Sangin, Kohsan and Ghuryan districts of Herat province. The main objectives of the baseline survey are to conduct an independent review of the project and assess the project indicators current values that will help Cordaid, TdH and CG to monitor and assess the project’s progress, effectiveness and impact during project implementation as well as upon completion of the project activities.
Project Name | Labour Based Road Construction Project Terre dess Hommes – (LBRC) |
Assignment Name | Impact Evaluation |
Donor | Terre des hommes (TdH) |
Partner | N/A(TdH) |
Location | Takhar Provinces of Afghanistan |
Contact Person | Sharif SHARIPOV |
Phone Number | +93711 027 609 |
Email ID | |
Brief Project Description:The Labour Based Road Construction (LBRC) Rustaq road construction and maintenance project was implemented to tackle the very demanding needs of the target population in the area. The main objective of the project is to improve the livelihood of men, women, boys and girls, especially from poor families living in Rustaq district of Takhar province. LBRC tryed to increase income of the target population through engaging people in the road construction and maintenance, provide vocational trainings, and livelihood opportunities and access to market and services. Families are supported to meet their needs and improve their access to basic services including education, health, market and government institutions. As part of LBRC activities, capacity of local committees is improved to integrate in the management and implementation of the project. People from the local communities are hired for the construction and maintenance work of the road. They are fairly and timely paid for their work. It helps them financially support their family and at the same time creates sense of ownership of the project among the community people. LBRC is also training community people on road construction and maintenance skills which helps in project sustainability and reduction in seasonal migration of youth.
Project Name | Country wide research on “ Women’s perceptive on Afghan women inclusion in Afghanistan’s peace process” |
Assignment Name | Research in 34 provinces |
Donor | Cordaid |
Partner | N/A(TdH) |
Location | 34 provinces Afghanistan |
Contact Person | Hameed Attaee |
Phone Number | +93 786 17 98 17 |
Email ID | |
Brief Project Description:Creating Access for Inclusive Peace Process in Afghanistan was approved in October 2020 and will continue till 30 March 2021. The project is funded by FCDO (Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office) and will be implemented by Cordaid. The project will be implemented in thirty provinces of Afghanistan, including (Kabul, Herat, Balkh, Kandahar, Nangarhar, Helmand, Nimroz, Baghlan, Laghman, Badghis, Paktiya, Paktika, Logar, Badakhshan, Jawzjan, Takhar, Kapisa, Parwan, Panjshir, Wardak, Bameyan, Daikundi, Fareyab, Samangan, Sare Pul, Uruzgan, Zabul, Ghazni, Kunduz, Khost) and contains three parts; the Provincial Women Core Group comprised of 20 women in each of the mentioned provinces, the Provincial Circle of
Allies comprised of 20 women and men, and the Outreach group comprised of 20 women that will be chosen from the Provincial Women Core Group and Provincial Circle of allies in each province.Project Name | Feasibility study on social media, specifically utilization of Twitter by government and non-government organizations. |
Assignment Name | Feasibility study |
Donor | GIZ |
Partner | N/A(TdH) |
Location | Five provinces of Afghanistan |
Contact Person | Rauf Modaqiq |
Phone Number | +93 78 657 3459 |
Email ID | |
Brief Project Description:The project Monitoring, Evaluation, and Communication (MEC) has been commissioned by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) since 2013, with the contribution of the German Federal Foreign Office (AA) since 2017. The project aims at informing the public and political multipliers in Afghanistan, and decision-makers in Afghanistan and Germany about the Afghan-German Cooperation, as well as at improving the capacities of civil servants of Afghan governmental institutions in the field of monitoring and evaluation.
Project Name | Support for the implementation of the National Policy on Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) in Afghanistan |
Assignment Name | External Final Evaluation |
Donor | Welthungerhilf – BMZ |
Partner | N/A(TdH) |
Location | Kabul, Nangarhar, Herat, Balkh and Kandahar provinces |
Contact Person | Rafi Arify |
Phone Number | +93 78 657 3459 |
Email ID | |
Brief Project Description: In Feb-2019, Welthungerhilfe Afghanistan started a project to provide support MoRR on implementation of the National Policy on Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) in Afghanistan. This proposed intervention was designed to improve the framework protection environment for IDPs in Afghanistan through implementing a rights-based intervention aimed at improving the Government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan’s (GoIRA) ability to concretely implement the National IDP Policy with a special focus on durable solutions. WHH focused strategically on supporting the MoRR as the primary legal duty bearer to understand and operationalize the National IDP Policy through the participatory development of a national action plan to concretely spell out implementation modes and designate responsibilities.
Project Name | Skills development project of refugees, returnees |
Assignment Name | End Line Evaluation |
Donor | Welthungerhilf – BMZ |
Partner | N/A |
Location | Kabul district 13 |
Contact Person | Rafi Arify |
Phone Number | +93 78 657 3459 |
Email ID | |
Brief Project Description:The skills development project (SDP) of Welthungerhilfe started in mid-2017 and continued up to Sep 2020. The project aimed to cover 850 males and female IDPs and returnees (600 through vocational training sessions at ATVI and 250 through business administration training and access to credit) in the Etifaq Township at police district /PD 13 in the city of Kabul. Etifaq Township was established after the collapse of the regime of the Taliban by returnees from Pakistan and WHH and displaced persons. The district consists of 30,000 residents.
Project Name | Reinforcement of the Community Response to the Violence against Women Project |
Assignment Name | End Line Evaluation |
Donor | ActionAid |
Partner | (VWO) Voice of Women and (WASSA) Women Activities and Social Services Association |
Location | Injil, Guzara, Zindajan, and Ghoryan of Herat province and Panjab, Yakulang and Bamyan Center of Bamyan province |
Contact Person | Pravind Kumar |
Phone Number | +93 79 461 8858 |
Email ID | |
Brief Project Description:The Reinforcement of the Community Response to the Violence against Women project was a three years’ project that was implemented in Bamyan and Herat provinces s, where the first year of the project started on 15th January 2016, and the project continued up 14th Oct 2019. The purpose of the end-line evaluation of the project was to assess outcomes/impact of the project against the stated results/outcomes of the project in terms of relevance, effectiveness, and efficiency of the project delivery, sustainability, and impact over the baseline status of the project participants.
Project Name | Man Engagement in Maternal and Child Health Project |
Assignment Name | Knowledge Attitude and Practice (KAP) Survey |
Donor | Swedish Committee Afghanistan |
Partner | N/A |
Location | Sayed Abad, Markaz and Behsood two districts of Maidan Wardak Province |
Contact Person | Rahat Khpalwak |
Phone Number | +93 76 666 5801 |
Email ID | |
Brief Project Description:The (MEMCH) Man Engagement in Maternal and Child Heath Project aimed to engage and work in partnership with men to promote better access to maternal health services and promote gender equality and women’s rights through raising awareness on GBV, harmful traditional gender practices, gender discriminations and their negative impact in the life of boys and girls, women and men. The basis of engagement aims to foster a recognition of, and discussion around, men as fathers and man privilege. The MEMCH project is planned to be implemented in three districts of Wardak province of Afghanistan, including (1) Maidan Shahar (2) Behsood –2 and (3) Sayed Abad districts.
Project Name | Street Working Children – Project |
Assignment Name | End-Line Evaluation |
Donor | Save the Children |
Partner | N/A |
Location | Nangarhar and Balkh Provinces of Afghanistan |
Contact Person | Farid Ahmad Malik |
Phone Number | +93 76 666 5801 |
Email ID | |
Brief Project Description:The Street Working Children is a two years’ project funded by SC Italy. This phase of the project was started in August 2016 and planned to be completed in the end of July 2018. But unfortunately, because of some security issues, the project activities were not completed on due date and it was extended for two more months (August and September 2018) to complete the affected activities. The project is implemented in two provinces, Balkh and Nangarhar. The overall objective of this project is to reduce childhood poverty and vulnerability of children through increasing access to basic services and changing the social acceptance and tolerance of households towards children harmful work. The presence of children on the streets, exposes them to risk (or at increased risk) of inadequate care, economic or sexual exploitation, abuse, neglect and violence. Children most exposed to these risks include: children displaced by conflict and natural disasters, children working on the streets, children deported or returned voluntarily from other countries like Pakistan and Iran, and children who migrate to pursue better life opportunities, work or education. This project was evaluated by the senior evaluation expert of TAR Business Consulting.
Project Name | Child Rights Governance Project |
Assignment Name | End-Line Evaluation |
Donor | Save the Children |
Partner | N/A |
Location | Faryab and Kabul Provinces of Afghanistan |
Contact Person | Farid Ahmad Malik |
Phone Number | +93 76 666 5801 |
Email ID | |
Brief Project Description:The Child Right Governance was a one-year project of Save the Children funded by SC Germany. This phase of the project was started in January 2017 and planned to be completed in the end of December 2018. The project is implemented in two provinces, Faryab and Kabul. Support the enactment/implementation of the Child Act and strengthen the implementation of Convention of the Rights of the Child through enhancing the knowledge and capacity of relevant child rights actors in Faryab and Kabul provinces The project “Building Capacity of Child Rights Governance actors in Faryab and Kabul provinces, Afghanistan” is implemented by Save the Children International, to strengthen the implementation of the CRC and the enactment of the national Child Act through enhancing the knowledge and capacity of relevant child rights actors This project was evaluated by the senior evaluation expert of TAR Business Consulting.
Project Name | Home Based Education for Afghan Women |
Assignment Name | End-Line Evaluation |
Donor | Islamic Relief World Wide (IRW) |
Partner | N/A |
Location | Nangarhar, Bamyan and Balkh Provinces of Afghanistan |
Contact Person | Mirwais Fazel |
Phone Number | +93786999915 |
Email ID | |
Brief Project Description:The home-based education for women in Afghanistan (HBEWA) project provided literacy training, skill development as a means of livelihood, and health, hygiene and sanitation awareness for women of the most vulnerable communities in Nangarhar, Bamyan and Balkh provinces. The project’s objective was to support women deprived of education mainly due to cultural, social and security issues. Conducting awareness sessions on health, hygiene and sanitation was also one of the key components of the project that was aimed to improve hygiene and nutrition practices among beneficiary families. The HBEWA project implementation changed in 2019, which means in 2017 and 2018 the project beneficiaries did not have a chance to benefit from all three categories of project interventions including (a) Adult literacy (b) Health and hygiene and (c) Vocational trainings on tailoring. Having said that, in 2017 and 2018 the project beneficiaries either received vocational training or they received only adult literacy and health hygiene.
Project Name | Community Based Health and First Aid (CBHFA) |
Assignment Name | Baseline Survey |
Donor | International Fedration of Red Cross and Red Crescent (IFRC) |
Partner | N/A |
Location | Kabul, Parwan, Kapisa, Khost, Nimroz and Herat Provinces |
Contact Person | Afsar Salih |
Phone Number | +93 703 837 855 |
Email ID | |
Brief Project Description:Community Based Health and First Aid (CBHFA) is a new program model that uses an integrated community-based approach in which Red Cross Red Crescent volunteers work with their communities on multiple sectors, that includes Community Health promotion, Disease prevention, Volunteer training in all relevant topics, Support to health promotion and education initiatives, Identification of malnourished children at the community level and referral Water, Sanitation and Hygiene, Nutrition, Emergency response / disaster preparedness (first aid & planning), ARCS capacity building and activities in protection, gender and inclusion (PGI) and First aid and disaster preparedness and response The overall purpose of the base-line survey was to establish benchmarks against defined project indicators for tracking project progress and measuring intervention results overtime in line with the project’s logical framework.