With financial support from BHA / USAID Fostering Resilience in Afghanistan through Multi-Sector Emergency Support (FRAMES) in Badghis, Ghor, Faryab, Bamyan, Kandahar and Daykundi province project was awarded to a consortium of NGOs including World Vision, Catholigc Rlief Services, and Medair. The project was in alignment with the priorities identified by international and national humanitarian initiatives such as Humanitarian Response Plan (HRP) for Afghanistan, FEWSNET (Famine Early Warning System Network), and HNO (Humanitarian Need Overview). TAR Business Consulting was commissioned by the consortium partners to conduct (TPM) Third Party Monitoring of this huge project that was being implemented by multiple districts of Badghis, Ghor, Faryab, Bamyan, Uruzgan, Kandahar and Daykundi of Afghanistan. TAR Business Consulting was able to complete this assignment on the due date and time.